October 10, 2017

3 Interview Tips From Recruiters

If you are about to have an interview, then you need to prepare yourself ahead of time and know exactly what to do to show the best side of you to the interviewer. You could get some solid advice while working with technical recruiters, but it is also useful to do some research to find out what hiring managers really want.

Knowing what hiring managers want or at least determining what they want job seekers to know is not easy, which is why we have compiled three interview tips from recruiters themselves.

1. Come Prepared

One of the most important interview tips that interviewers can provide is to come prepared. If you’re already taking the time to do your research, then you’re on the right track. It’s important to impress a hiring manager by demonstrating your preparedness for the interview and for the job.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to construct a script beforehand and then present it to the interviewer; that would seem far too robotic. Rather, what you should be doing is researching interview tips, roleplaying common interview questions, and researching the company to which you are applying.

Memorize a couple of details about the company and figure out what the hiring manager wants from an employee based on the company’s needs and the job description. Doing your homework will show the interviewer you’re well-prepared and ready to take on the role of an employee for the company.

Demonstrating how prepared you are for the interview will also reveal a lot of positive aspects about your work ethic and your passion about getting the job.

2. Appearance Does Matter

There have been countless debates on how important appearance really is, but all hiring managers can agree on one thing: appearance does matter. Therefore, one of the most essential interview tips from recruiters is to appear clean, well-groomed, and sophisticated.

This doesn’t mean you have to wear your most expensive outfit, but it does mean you have to dress in a way that demonstrates your professionalism. You’re being interviewed for the potential to enter a professional environment so you must be able to show that you belong in such an environment. Even though you don’t want to be too fancy, you have to understand that it’s always better to be overdressed than to be underdressed.

Additionally, your body language during an interview is part of your appearance and the way you carry yourself. Therefore, you have to be mindful of how your body language makes you appear. Avoid bad posture or nervous tics as much as you can; instead, keep your back straight while maintaining steady eye contact with your interviewer.

3. Leave a Lasting Impression

Your ultimate goal during an interview is to leave a lasting impression upon the employer.

There are several ways to accomplish this: Showcase your skills and experience, emphasize your passion for the job, and, most importantly, let your personality shine. Interviews may seem like they are an opportunity for showing off your skills and talents, but they are also the crucial moment in which hiring managers decide whether or not you are a good fit for the company.

Hiring managers are constantly asking themselves whether you would blend into their company’s culture. Therefore, you must recognize the company’s vibe and emphasize your ability to be sociable and confident in such an environment. You want to leave the interviewer with a sense that you have made a strong first impression and that your personality is on par with your qualifications.
Author: George Hoadley brings 11 years of experience in management to his role as the Branch Manager of Design Group Staffing in Vancouver. With a LinkedIn Recruiter Certification, his areas of expertise are construction management, engineering, project management, estimating, and operations.