June 5, 2012

After the Job Interview—What's Next?

You've left the job interview and now you may wonder what comes next. On the one hand, you don't want to sit around waiting for the hiring manager to get back to you. On the other hand, you don't want to appear rude by contacting him or her too quickly.

Some company representatives appreciate a job candidate who expresses interest and enthusiasm, but they don't want to be bombarded with follow-up questions. You're not the only interviewee, so you can imagine how overwhelming it would be to receive a steady flow of emails from eager candidates wanting to know the result of their interviews. Also keep in mind that companies each have their own hiring timetable. You might hear from one in two weeks and from another in two months, depending on personnel, business, vacation, and scheduling conflicts.
Some companies may conduct second interviews before making a job offer, so that's another possibility to consider. There is no one way such proceedings occur. Small firms may be known for quick decisions as the number of employees is limited and when there is a vacancy it must be filled right away. Large organizations may have the luxury of taking more time to conduct interviews before making the final selection.

Try This . . .

As a job candidate it can be a challenge to know what to do and when. Here is a no-fail strategy that is always appropriate. Write a simple thank you note in your own hand (not an email) and send it to the interviewer within twenty-four hours of the time you met. This fast turn-around is impressive in itself because it is rare for people to follow up so quickly. That will put your name ahead of the pack and it will also demonstrate your thoughtfulness. Simple and sincere wording will do the job. Example: 

 Dear Ms. Jones:

It was a pleasure to meet with you today. Thank you for inviting me in for an interview for the position of administrative assistant. I appreciated your kind and friendly manner and the questions you asked that helped clarify what you are looking for in the person you hire. I am very interested in filling this position, and assure you that I will do my very best to promote the company's goals and to contribute to the company's profits if I am the one you select.

However, regardless of the outcome, I'm grateful for this opportunity to present myself, and to talk about my skills and experience. I wish you the best and look forward to hearing from you soon.          

Warm regards,
Your Name

After sending your note, wait two to three weeks for a reply and if you do not receive one by then, drop a polite note (an email or phone call is fine too) to the interviewer inquiring about when a hiring decision will be made. It's fine to mention that you are eager to make a career move and of course his or her company is the one you're most interested in. Make a note of when you sent your inquiry. Then wait another few days and if you haven't received a reply, inquire again in a friendly yet professional matter. Avoid accusations or sarcasm. Someone will return your inquiry, understanding that you must move on if this company is not prepared to offer you the job.
Author: Jimmy Sweeney, President of CareerJimmy and Author of the new, Job Interview "Secret"